Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Christmas comes but once a year -Thankfully

Christmas has slowed things down a bit but I have managed to get the shear clamps glued in and I am in the process of shaping before finally taping all the frames. For reasons unknown my frame heights seem to vary a bit and not all of them meet the lip of the hull.  I'm having to sister a few pieces as I'm shaping the shear clamps.
I used a triangular section 30mmx30mm for the shear clamp which I ripped from 70mmx35mm board.  I made some small blocks to help with the clamping and the whole operation was pretty straightforward. Once the shear clamps are shaped the size looks about right.
Scarfing was a pain but if you space your joints carefully the load is reduced. I used two scarfs per side keeping the scarfs forward of F89 and aft of F124. This resulted in the scarfs being in fairly straight sections of the hull.
I have rechecked all the levels on the boat (incl the cradle) to make sure the boat is accurate. I set up my laser level at the stern and worked my way down both sides of the boat checking hull and chine heights at the frames and remeasured all the frame centres athwartship.  All seems good but I will do a quick recheck before the final taping.
Hopefully I'll have the shear clamps and taping finished by the end of next week.

My patented i550 shear clamp block (vastly expensive!) - will save your sanity guaranteed!

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