Sunday, 5 February 2012

From boat-shaped to boat. Light at the end of the Tunnel

I am getting close to finishing off the whole cockpit area now. I haven't seen, or heard mention of, how other builders are setting up the underfloor area for the traveler. I have laid a strip of 70x19 across the aft side of F169.5. I routed slots in the stringers and added two stiffeners on the ends and glued the whole lot up. Should do the trick. I haven't figured out yet whether screws will be enough to hold the traveler in place or whether to use bolts. Bolts, of course, will be more complicated. Ain't it always the way!

Also tackled the cabin top. Mk1 went together surprisingly easy. Unfortunately when I tried to move a clamp the front section exploded and I couldn't get it back together for the life of me so it was back to square one. The whole thing didn't seem to fit properly so I started hacking away, trimming as I worked the pieces into the required shape (there's trouble). I don't know what to make of it but my top has ended up much narrower at the front than spec. I don't know whether to keep it or to build a second top from scratch. Leigh is coming over this week for his monthly 'inspection' so I'll ask his opinion. Any other opinions gladly accepted.

This is what happens when you don't follow the plans!
If I do build a new top I will flatten out the arch of F89 a bit more and go for a flatter look (I have already flattened it a bit). I had great difficulty in making the ply conform to F89 and believe the arch is too rounded. Just my opinion of course.

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